Password zip file mac
Password zip file mac

Also, it can be opened with the password on any system including iPhone, Android devices, and even Windows 10 PCs. Once you protect the folder using a password on Mac by compressing it to zip by the above method, you can send it to anyone over mail or other means.

  • Double click on the zip file to open using the password you have set.
  • After confirmation, you could find the protected zip file on the same destination.
  • Type the password to protect the file/folders and hit enter.
  • Enter the following command: zip -er FileORFolderNameToCompress.
  • Type and enter ls to see the files and folders containing in the location.
  • password zip file mac

    Change the terminal directory to the location of the newly created folder.After opening the terminal enter the following commands.

    password zip file mac

    Open Spotlight and search for “ Terminal.”.

    password zip file mac

    Now, move all your confidential data into the folder you want to lock.On your Mac, create the folder on any location.

    Password zip file mac